
Until further notice, I will not be taking on new clients. I am sorry for any disappointment this may cause. If you are a current client and need further treatments or advice please do get in touch.

To make a booking or if you have a query please contact me by email, messenger, text message, or telephone.

Crown Yealm House, Pathfields Business Park, South Molton, Devon EX36 3LH


T  07581461676

Opening hours
Monday (temporarily closed)
Wednesday 10am – 6pm
Other times available by arrangement

How to find Electrolysis Solutions

Electrolysis Solutions is located in South Molton, a historic market town in North Devon between Tiverton and Barnstaple, just off the A361 North Devon Link Road.

Crown Yealm House is located within Pathfields Business Park.  On your approach to Crown Yealm House you will see Mole Valley Dartmoor House and ucanstore; Electrolysis Solutions can be found just past ucanstore at the far end of the building. Turn into the car park and keep left, following the car park around to the right, then bear left up the slope into the rear carpark.  Here you will find free parking just outside the entrance.
